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Treating Open Bite, Crossbite, Overjet & Teeth Crowding in Calgary

At myORTHODONTIST, our team can help find solutions to alleviate symptoms of treatable orthodontic conditions and straighten your smile. 

Why invest in Treatable Orthodontic Conditions?

Our oral health is closely linked to our overall health and well-being. By treating these common conditions for children, teens, and adults, we can help you build a solid foundation for long-term oral health and potentially prevent complications later in life.

Some of the most common treatable types of malocclusion are outlined here. Have questions about any of these conditions? Please feel free to contact us.

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Open Bite, Teeth Crowding Treatment


An openbite is when the upper and lower teeth do not meet in the front when you bite down. Though it can sometimes be hereditary, an openbite can also be caused by missing, impacted or extra teeth, or habits such as thumbsucking, prolonged bottle-feeding or poor-fitting dental restorations.

Overjet, Teeth Crowding Treatment


Overjet refers to a condition in which the upper front teeth seem to be more noticeable and stick out compared to the lower front teeth. This horizontal separation exceeds the regular 2 millimetres. Depending on the severity and stage of the condition, orthodontic treatment may be recommended.

Cross Bite, Teeth Crowding Treatment


Crossbite is when the upper teeth fit on the inside of the lower teeth. Crossbites can be caused by the position of teeth, the position of the jaw or both. When it comes to a crossbite, early intervention treatment is ideal as it can cause severe pain in the jaw and supporting muscles as a child grows older, but it can also be treated in adults.

Crowded Teeth, Teeth Crowding Treatment

Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth are a condition in which there is not enough space in the mouth for permanent teeth to grow straight. As a result, people with this condition have crooked teeth that overlap. The type of treatment required for dental crowding depends on the patient’s age, and whether the condition is mild, moderate or severe.

New Patients Welcome

We welcome all new patient inquiries – no referral required – and there's no obligation.

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